About Me

Hi! My name is Aadhish Sriram, but you can also call me by nickname, dfireBird. I'm a software developer from India. I'm currently working at IBM. I recently graduated with an Undergraduate Engineering degree in Computer Science at SASTRA University. I love working on hobby projects and learn things to do more hobby projects.

I'm an aspiring open-source enthusiast and my projects are often open-sourced. I watch anime or TV shows or read manga when I'm not programming or studying.

This site is meant as way both to showcase my work and a blog where can I share about my experience and journey into programming, so the name "A Programmer's Journey".


Rust is my go-to choice of programming language now and at-times I like to use Haskell, Elixir and Typescript.

I'm currently learning and building emulators to get more knowledge on assembly and how CPUs work. I started with Chip-8 and intend to build NES or GBA emulators next.

I also have some experience in Javascript, Racket, C++, Python, C and Java as well as HTML and CSS.


I often work with Emacs as my editor to program and Linux (I use Arch btw) is the OS of my choice.

I also have experience in following technologies:

  • Git

  • React

  • Gatsby


  • GraphQL

  • Docker

  • AWS

I also had my share with databases such as Postgres and MonogoDB.


Some of my notable projects are:

  1. Personal Website - This website you're currently in, built using Gatsby used as portfolio and blog.
  2. Emourge - Discord bot which records emojis sent by the user in a server and give statistics about them.
  3. Papercups - P2P chat and file application
  4. Programmer News Bot - Telegram bot which retrieve and send posts from Hacker News.